The NetSys Lab

The NetSys Lab

Welcome to the homepage of the NetSys (Networked Systems) lab at Stony Brook University. Our lab works on problems in the intersection of networking and systems, with a current focus on smartphones and wearable devices.



  • December 2015: Paper on analyzing mobile Web performance accepted to WWW 2016.

  • October 2015: Aruna and Javad attended the Google faculty summit.

  • July 2015: MobileHub won both the best paper award and the Gaetano Borriello best student paper award at Ubicomp 2015.

  • June 2015: Aruna serving on the following program committees in 2016: Mobicom 2016, NSDI 2016, Infocom 2016, Mobisys 2016, HotMobile 2016, IMC 2016.

  • January 2015: Aruna joins Stony Brook University as Assistant Professor.