The NetSys Lab

Welcome to the homepage of the NetSys (Networked Systems) lab at Stony Brook University. Our lab works on problems in the intersection of networking and systems, with a current focus on smartphones and wearable devices.




  • April 2016: Aruna receives NSF CRII award to study the bottlenecks in mobile page load performance.

  • February 2016: Aruna receives a Google Research Award to work on improving mobile Web performance. 

  • December 2015: Paper on analyzing mobile Web performance accepted to WWW 2016.

  • October 2015: Aruna and Javad attended the Google faculty summit.

  • July 2015: MobileHub won both the best paper award and the Gaetano Borriello best student paper award at Ubicomp 2015.

  • June 2015: Aruna serving on the following program committees in 2016: Mobicom 2016, NSDI 2016, Infocom 2016, Mobisys 2016, HotMobile 2016, IMC 2016.

  • January 2015: Aruna joins Stony Brook University as Assistant Professor.
